
Impartially, respectfully

We specialise in German, French, Italian, Spanish, English. And we apply the same stringent quality standards to all 60+ languages which we give you access to, including Arabic, Mandarin Chinese and African. See our languages here.

Most of us have customers, clients, employees, tenants, buyers or group companies who are non-British.
But who don’t all speak English.

So when speaking their own language to communicate, they will of course deliver their message more thoroughly. They then feel more comfortable and are more likely to buy or safely use your service or product. Or to openly discuss their situation or predicament.

How does it all work?

Many of us don’t have the time or necessity to communicate by learning a different language or translating it.

This is where independent interpreting provides the solution – the complete, unbiased transfer of spoken information into another language.

Our professional, native-speaker interpreters have extensive contextual and cultural knowledge of the two languages they work in.
Our team is available in the UK and dotted across the globe, using our 6 partner offices, to work with you in real time and transfer the information required.

The language OF the customer is the language FOR the customer.

We offer 5 different types of interpreting. It is normally into English and out of English, or can avoid English completely. For their various applications, click on the panel question below ‘Which formats are available?

business interpreting services

Some typical interpreting solutions that we provide are:

  • fixed-fee court hearings, passport application meetings, witness statement phone calls
  • face-to-face communications or by mobile conference call
  • factory tours, city tours
  • management presentations
  • operator training seminars
  • domestic issues, eg heating, repairs, demolition
  • signing up tenancy agreements
  • neighbourhood-based meetings, eg anti-social behaviour, evictions
  • annual conventions, conferences, exhibitions
  • sports players’ visits or signings
  • …and everything in between !

Interpreting FAQs

What languages do you offer?

More than 60, most are shown below.
Two layouts: first by leading letter, then by region,

By leading letter:

Albanian  Amharic  Arabic  Azerbaijani
Bengali  Bosnian  Bulgarian  Burmese
Chinese (Mandarin, Cantonese)  Croatian  Czech
Danish  Dutch
English  Estonian
Farsi (Persian)   Finnish
German  Greek  Gujurati
Hebrew  Hindi  Hungarian
Indonesian  Irish  Italian
Korean  Kurdish
Latvian  Lithuanian
Macedonian  Malay  Mandarin (Chinese)
Polish  Portuguese (European and South American versions)   Punjabi
Romani  Romanian  Russian
Serbian  Slovakian  Slovenian  Somali  Spanish (European and South American versions)   Swahili  Swedish
Tagalog  Tamil  Thai  Turkish  Tigrinya
Ukranian  Urdu

By region:

Western Europe:  Dutch  English  French  German  Irish  Welsh
Northern Europe:  Danish  Finnish  Norwegian  Swedish
Eastern Europe:  Estonian  Latvian  Lithuanian  Russian  Ukranian
Balkans:  Albanian  Bosnian  Bulgarian  Croatian  Macedonian  Serbian
Central Europe:  Czech  Hungarian  Polish  Romani  Romanian  Slovakian  Slovenian
Southern Europe:  Greek  Italian  Portuguese (European version)   Spanish
South Americas:  Portuguese (South American version)   Spanish (South American version)
Africa:  Oromo  Somali  Swahili  Yoruba
India:  Bengali  Gujurati  Hindi  Punjabi  Tamil  Urdu
East Asia (Far East):  Cantonese  Japanese  Korean  Mandarin (Chinese)
West Asia (Middle East):  Arabic  Amharic  Azerbaijani  Farsi (Persian)  Hebrew  Kurdish  Tigrinya  Turkish  Zaqawa
South East Asia:  Burmese  Indonesian  Malay  Tagalog  Thai  Vietnamese

What is the typical scenario which requires interpreting?

In short, a meeting between two or more groups where there is not a common language.

These may be in the UK or another country. For example:

      • a commercial or civic group makes a trip to a foreign city
      • a house tenant needs to receive or give information about moving into a house or report abusive behaviour
      • a lawyer is representing a client in court
      • a company receives a group on a tour of the premises or repair engineer from another country
      • a conference is being hosted for representatives from several countries
      • someone is applying for a passport

and everything in between.

Who does the interpreting?

For UK work, assigned from our team of around 1000 professional interpreters. For overseas work, from our team of around 3000 more through any of our 6 partner agencies around the world.
They are native speakers of one of the languages they work into, and fluent speakers of the other language they work into. This is called a language pair.

They are properly qualified, appropriately vetted, professionally experienced and work in one or more subject specialisms.

For law work, our interpreters are all court-approved.

For insurance-based or medico-legal work, our interpreters have a specialism in or relevant to the injured party’s requirement. They are always selected to be as close as possible to the location involved.

What quality control do you benefit from?

We are self-accredited via documented internal procedures to the international quality requirements of ISO 9001:2015. Further, our interpreting is spot-checked for accuracy and satisfaction.

How much does it cost?

For interpreting we charge by the hour and the shortest chargeable block is 30 minutes. We have two different price bands for different languages, based on the rarity of the language from within the 60+ languages we do.

We will discuss with you the location, type of interpreting and language required. This determines whether or not interpreter travel fee is added.

Therefore, how much it costs is quite variable and tends to be on a case-by-case basis.

Send your enquiry for interpreting via our Contact page so we can give you a fixed price.

How is an order placed for interpreting?

We discuss your meeting needs with you in advance.

Here, as much information as possible for the meeting is passed to us such as language, date, event duration, number and function of participants, aims and objectives, agenda, venue (room, building, size/line of sight/mobility), parking and access details.

We advise and jointly agree with you the most suitable interpreting solution and a covering contract is sent out to you.

Which formats are available?

Consecutive  In a face-to-face meeting, the speaker delivers a few sentences by voice, s/he waits while the interpreter interprets those sentences into the other language by voice; speaker delivers the next few sentences, s/he waits while they’re interpreted; and so on like this until completion.
Suitable for small face-to-face meetings and court sessions, no equipment required.

Telephone  On mobile phone in an aural conference call or visual conference call, together with customer contact/s and individual needing the interpreting, the customer contact asks a question, they wait while the interpreter interprets that question into the other language; the individual replies, they wait while that reply is interpreted; the customer contact asks the next question, and so on like this until completion.

Whispering  The speaker speaks, the interpreter simultaneously whispers the interpreted information into the listener’s ear while sitting next to them.
Suitable for short meetings and for only one person at a time. No equipment required.

Tour guide  The speaker speaks into a microphone in consecutive blocks as above, the interpreter interprets the information into delegates’ infra-red headsets via headset/microphone connected to the mobile tour guide transmitter unit.
Suitable for small groups on a tour, which can be static or moving or both. Tour guide microphones and infra-red receiver headsets required.

Simultaneous  The speaker sits at a top table, speaks into a microphone and interpreter interprets the information simultaneously from a listening booth into delegates’ infra-red headsets via headset/microphone connected to the control console.
Suitable for large conferences, multiple users, multiple languages, requires 2 interpreters per language to work in shifts of 20 minutes each. Microphones, headsets, booth, console, technician required.

What subjects do you specialise in?

Various sectors come under this category – legal/financial; manufacturing/engineering; domestic housing; child and family matters; post-trauma interviews and medical.

What about conference call and legal interpreting?

Can you describe the types of interpreting you handle?

What typical legal sector work do you accept?

Get your free quotation here